Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Plymouth Water Restrictions

Know and follow outdoor water restrictions
Plymouth has restrictions on outdoor water use, including a midday ban and an odd-even schedule. The restrictions are in effect May through September. Plymouth prohibits outdoor lawn watering from noon to 5 p.m. on all days. At other times, water customers must follow an odd-even schedule when sprinkling lawns.Homeowners with addresses ending in an odd-number, may water on odd-numbered calendar days. Those with addresses ending in an even number, may water on even-numbered days. The restrictions apply to all City water customers. Automatic irrigation systems should be adjusted accordingly. State law also requires that all new irrigation systems be installed with rain sensors so the system shuts off when it's raining.

City water customers may wash vehicles and do hand-held hose watering of shrubs, flowers and trees on any day and at any time if the hose has a nozzle with automatic shutoff. If you have new sod, seed or landscaping, you do not need to follow the odd-even restrictions during the first 30 days after planting. You must, however, still abide by the midday ban from noon to 5 p.m.

The penalty for violating restrictions is $100 for each day of violation. You will receive one written warning before you are penalized. Please keep in mind that if you have an irrigation system that is not functioning properly or is misaligned and water is spraying in the street, you could receive a notice of violation.